What's blog got to do with it? The Tina Turner content marketing songbook part II

Work in content marketing and sometimes feel frustrated that your colleagues don't "get it"? Or, even worse, they say they do but it's really just lip service?

Ever find yourself wishing there was a better way to get your content message across? To help colleagues come around to your way of thinking and hop on board the bus that you're driving straight to full-funnel, audience-centric, inbound marketing nirvana? 

Wish no more. In the second instalment of the Tina Turner content marketing songbook (you can find part one right here), Tina helps marketers everywhere finally answer the question: What's (a) blog got to do with it? Take it away Tina:

Rare vinyl edition of Tina Turner's 1984 hit, What's Blog Got To Do With It

Rare vinyl edition of Tina Turner's 1984 hit, What's Blog Got To Do With It


What's blog got to do with it?

You must understand, it enhances our brand

Makes prospects react 

It's a critical skill, adding grist to our mill

You know it's a fact

It's digital

Only logical

We have answered before, now it's for you to react ooo


What's blog got to do, got to do with it

What's blog but a wheel to put in motion

What's blog got to do, got to do with it

We need this blog, don't say it's just a token


It may seem to you that it's only TOFU

But now let's agree

Wanna be in the race, get this content in place

We're beyond theory 

It's the time for it

There's a need that fits

Sales pipeline filled both for you and for me ooo


What's blog got to do, got to do with it

What's blog but a flywheel put in motion

What's blog got to do, got to do with it

We need this blog, cos the ad model's broken 

Why I made a Twitter bot to share everyone’s passions

I am passionate about...

Have you noticed how many people populate their various profiles with this phrase?

It’s everywhere – from Twitter to LinkedIn to official mini-biographies for entire brands. Is it actually true though? Are you, Steve from Hartlepool, really passionate about your job as a project manager at a loft insulation firm?  Are you, Stephanie in Reading, truly passionate about customer experience?

Does it make you feel intense, impassioned, ardent, fervent, zealous, vehement, fiery, heated, feverish, emotional, heartfelt, eager, excited, animated, spirited, vigorous, strong, energetic, messianic, fanatical, frenzied, wild, fierce, consuming, violent, tumultuous, flaming, raging, burning, uncontrollable or ungovernable?

We overuse this phrase until it becomes meaningless.

In fact, listening in on a stream of what we say we are passionate about is mildly amusing. I know because I created this Twitter bot. It retweets your passions and adds #passionateabout

Some of my favourites so far include:


Now we have a nice little record of what we humans are utterly fervent about, from donuts to politics to how to pronounce "h" and the smell of the woods. It made me lol – something I’m passionate about.

And here are the very latest things the world is feeling passionate about. You're welcome.

By the way, if you want to make a simple Twitter bot just follow these instructions.