Tap, think, lol and save
We're all writing all the time, right? We're tapping away on tiny screens, thumbs flying to patter out a status, tweet or text. Everyone's a writer and everyone's a publisher, 24 hours a day, all around the planet.
With this multi-screen, emoji-scattered, throwaway, snackable, bite-flippin-sized torrent of content cascading uninvited over everyone's senses it can feel more than a little futile to launch something like this. What good can spooning yet a little more into the massive digital vat possibly do?
Well for one thing it makes me feel a little bit saner. There's something therapeutic about writing just for the point of writing - better out than in and all that.
Also, it's a repository that I (hopefully) will be able to go back to in the future and chuckle and nod at. I have a few dust-covered blogs out there that when I've re-read I've at least mildly LOL-ed.
And lastly and most importantly, it might even do a tiny bit of good in the world. I remembered the power of writing not long ago when, inspired by the Stop Funding Hate campaign, I wrote a short post on an internal forum at work which led to our advertising being withdrawn from the Daily Mail.
Now that's not going to result in the earth spinning the other way on its axis but it does mean a little bit less money going toward hatred and division and a few more people thinking and talking about the issue who weren't before. It's not often I find myself agreeing with the Queen, but she's right that "small acts of goodness" can achieve more than we might think.
So, this is my spoonful for the digital vat. Tapped out in the hope that I - and maybe one or two others - might be spurred to think, lol and save.