What's blog got to do with it? The Tina Turner content marketing songbook part II

Work in content marketing and sometimes feel frustrated that your colleagues don't "get it"? Or, even worse, they say they do but it's really just lip service?

Ever find yourself wishing there was a better way to get your content message across? To help colleagues come around to your way of thinking and hop on board the bus that you're driving straight to full-funnel, audience-centric, inbound marketing nirvana? 

Wish no more. In the second instalment of the Tina Turner content marketing songbook (you can find part one right here), Tina helps marketers everywhere finally answer the question: What's (a) blog got to do with it? Take it away Tina:

Rare vinyl edition of Tina Turner's 1984 hit, What's Blog Got To Do With It

Rare vinyl edition of Tina Turner's 1984 hit, What's Blog Got To Do With It


What's blog got to do with it?

You must understand, it enhances our brand

Makes prospects react 

It's a critical skill, adding grist to our mill

You know it's a fact

It's digital

Only logical

We have answered before, now it's for you to react ooo


What's blog got to do, got to do with it

What's blog but a wheel to put in motion

What's blog got to do, got to do with it

We need this blog, don't say it's just a token


It may seem to you that it's only TOFU

But now let's agree

Wanna be in the race, get this content in place

We're beyond theory 

It's the time for it

There's a need that fits

Sales pipeline filled both for you and for me ooo


What's blog got to do, got to do with it

What's blog but a flywheel put in motion

What's blog got to do, got to do with it

We need this blog, cos the ad model's broken 

Three times that Personalised Automated Marketing ruined my life

OK I’ll 'fess up right away – automated marketing hasn’t really ruined my life and a more accurate headline might see the last three words replaced with “left me feeling mildly peeved.”

But dramatic, attention-grabbing headlines are one of the tricks in the ever-expanding book that digital marketers have at our disposal. We can do it so we blimming well will.

This is also the approach that seems to have been taken with personalised, automated emails, alerts, text messages, display banners and everything else you can think of. We have the technology – the “marketing tech stack” thank you very much – and we can set it up to fire this stuff off while we are ACTUALLY ASLEEP so why on earth not?

Well, because sometimes the actual human person receiving this stuff might end up not actually liking it – or your business – very much.

To illustrate, here is a short three-act play where the dramatis personae are me and personalised, automated marketing (we’ll call her PAM for short).

Meet PAM: Personalised Automated Marketing

Meet PAM: Personalised Automated Marketing

Conversations with PAM

Act I - GAP: Don't call me baby

Me: *Opens laptop* I best get some summer outfits for my son now that it’s getting warm. GAP sometimes have some cute things. These romper suits are adorable. Oh wait, a Facebook notification. *Gets distracted*

PAM: Hello user! You like romper suit, yes? You want? It really suits you user! Perfect fit for you! Shop Now user!



Act II - Sykes Cottages: You already have my money

Me: I’m going to book a long weekend through Sykes Cottages. I’ve used them before and we found a very nice cottage. This place called The Stone Byre looks nice – I’m going to book it today. All done, it's booked.

PAM: Quick, a user is looking at a property. Send emails with links! Two in same day is fine! Wait a second...yesss! A payment! Here’s your receipt, user. PAM is victorious again.


A few weeks later: 

Me: Ah, I’m looking forward to next weekend when we’ll stay in that cottage.

PAM: *Twitches awake* Hmm this user once looked at this property. Fire off more emails! Keep the tone jovial though mind!


The weekend of the holiday:

Me: At last, we’re setting off to The Stone Byre this morning. I best check the postcode for the sat nav… And we’re here, it’s very lovely and tranquil.

PAM: *Screeching* User has viewed property! Brush off the email cannons! Fire! Book it, book it, book it!


*Breathless* How was your holiday user?

Sykes 3.png


Act III - Netflix: Don’t pretend you don’t know me

Me: Take it all. Take all my viewing and browsing history and have the details for a couple of family members who are on my account too. See what I watch, on what device, when and for how long. See what I search for, what I rate and what I click on in your emails. See what I share with other people who I think should watch something too. See what I binge watch, what I download and what I save to My List.

You know me Netflix. You know what I love and what I can’t resist watching. You know me better than I know myself.

